Laughter Quotes

[The comments in brackets are by Rolf Sattler]

There are a few activities which are immensely valuable: laughter is one of these activities. Singing, dancing, are also of the same quality, but laughter is the quickest (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. 1984. The Book. Series II. Rajneeshpuram, OR: Rajneesh Foundation International, p. 109).

Why wait for reasons to laugh? Life as it is should be reason enough to laugh. It is so absurd, it is so ridiculous. It is so beautiful, so wonderful! It is all sorts of things together. It is a great cosmic joke (Everyday Osho. 2002. Glaucester, MA: Fair Winds Press, p. 7)

Laughter is the real religion. Everything else is just metaphysics (Everyday Osho. 2002. Glaucester, MA: Fair Winds Press, p. 7).

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods (Albert Einstein).

Start and finish your day with laughter, and you will see, by and by, in between these two more and more laughter starts happening. And the more laughing you become, the more religious (Osho.1994. From Medication to Meditation. Saffron Walden: C. W. Daniel. p. 227)

not only is laughing meditation one of the simplest forms of meditation, but also it is a very powerful one (Daily OM)

when you really laugh, for those few moments you are in a deep meditative state. Thinking stops. It is impossible to laugh and think together...If you are still thinking. laughter will be just so-so...It will be a crippled laughter (Osho.1994.
From Medication to Meditation. Saffron Walden: C. W. Daniel. p. 225/6)

If you break the bottom of suffering, you laugh. Nothing can imitate this - not animals, birds, or trees - nothing! Only humans become great laughter through suffering (Dainan Katagiri Roshi 2007. Each Moment is the Universe. Boston & London: Shambhala, p. 111).

Laughter is the highest spiritual quality. It can lead you to enlightenment!.

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people (Victor Borge, quoted by Billy Strean. 2008. The HoHo DoJo. New York: Random HAs, p. 146).

Laughter is a great connector, a wonderful way to deepen relationships, and a joy in and of itself (Billy Strean. 2008.
The HoHo DoJo. New York: Random HAs, p. 76).

Barriers between cultures and races fall away when we us this ancient signal [laughter] (Provine, R. R. 2000.
Laughter. A Scientific Investigation. New York: Penguin, p. 55).

love and laughter go together; and laughter is one of the greatest medicines (Osho.1994. From Medication to Meditation. Saffron Walden: C. W. Daniel. p. 227)

Laughter is good for your health (Laughter is the Best Medicine).

If you laugh at your sickness, you will become healthy.

Laughter seems an ideal treatment that makes us feel good, is free, has no bad side effects, and is even contagious...(Provine, R. R. 2000. Laughter. A Scientific Investigation. New York: Penguin, p. 189).

Laughter is an instant vacation (
Milton Berle).

When we share laughter, life is good. When I take myself too seriously, suffering begins (Billy Strean. 2008.
The HoHo DoJo. New York: Random HAs, p. 150).

To paraphrase Gandhi, be the laughter and humor you want to see in the world (Billy Strean. 2008.
The HoHo DoJo. New York: Random HAs, p. 150).

If each of us can inject laughter in our own lives and touch an ever-widening circle of other people, we are bound to have a global influence (Billy Strean. 2008.
The HoHo DoJo. New York: Random HAs, p. 150).

when people are laughing, they're generally not killing one another (Alan Alda, quoted by Billy Strean. 2008.
The HoHo DoJo. New York: Random HAs, p. 150).

A day without laughter is a day wasted (Charlie Chaplin).
What monstrous absurdities and paradoxes have resisted whole batteries of serious arguments, and then crumbled swiftly into dust before the ringing death-knell of a laugh! (Agnes Repplier)

At the height of laughter, the Universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possiblities (

In the end everything is a gag (Charlie Chaplin, quoted by Billy Strean. 2008. The HoHo DoJo. New York: Random HAs, p. 9).

[According to Korzybski, one would have to say, "in the end everything is a gag, etc" because everything is infinitely more than just a gag. The same applies to other "is"-statements such as "Laughter is an instant vacation" (see
Healing Thinking through Non-identity (Korzybski) and Korzybski Quotes)]

[see also
Laughter through Laughter Yoga]


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